Paper 1 | Objectives | 49 Questions
Year: 2013
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Eve was to have pains at childbirth because she A. seduced Adam B. conversed with the serpent C. ate of the tree of life D. ate of the tree of good and evil |
D |
2. |
Abram's obligation in his covenant with God was to A. change Sarai's name to Sarah B. walk before God blamelessly C. change his name to Abraham D. offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice |
B |
3. |
God prepared Joseph for his leadership role in Egypt through A. the love which his father had for him B. the trials and temptations of his earlier years C. his disagreement with his brothers D. His encounter with Potiphar's wife |
D |
4. |
By removing his sandals before the burning bush, Moses was showing a sense of A. honour and love B. curiousity and adventure C. humility and respect D. reverence and submissiveness |
D |
5. |
The twelve spies that were sent by Moses to the promised land were to confirm all the following except A. the type of people in the land B. the fertility of the land C. fortifications of the cities D. availability of grapes in the land |
D |
6. |
When the people of Israel received the minority report from the spies, they decided to A. Kill Moses for taking them out of Egypt B. go back to Egypt C. choose Caleb as their new leader D. stone the two spies to death |
B |
7. |
The purpose of Joshua's address at Shechem was to A. show his love for God B. establish a new covenant with God C. remind Israel of their unfaithfulness D. make Israel trust God |
D |
8. |
God rejected Eli's line of priesthood because A. his children were idolators B. they did not obey the prophets C. Eli and his children took bribes D. his children lust after women at worship |
D |
9. |
"It is the Lord, let Him do what seems good to Him". These were the words of A. Saul B. Samuel C. Moses D. Eli |
D |
10. |
What reasons were put forward by the Israelites in asking for a king? A. The age of Samuel and the conduct of his sons B. The conduct of Samuel and the strength of the Philistines C. the age of Samuel and the conduct of Eli D. The conduct of Samuel and the age of his sons |
A |
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