Paper 1 | Objectives | 92 Questions
Year: 2007
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word underlined? |
1. |
He deprecated the attempts made to unseat him? A. challenged B. resisted C. despise D. condemned
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Detailed SolutionDeprecated; to express disapproval of somethingCondemn is to express complete disapproval of something. There is an explanation video available below. |
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The striking workers have vowed not to return to work until the decision is reversed? A. rescinded B. dismissed C. implemented D. reverted
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Detailed SolutionReverse means to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite:There is an explanation video available below. |
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The police are not happy with the growing number of depraved people around the politician? A. violent B. immoral C. indolent D. loquacious
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Detailed SolutionDepraved implies morally corrupt; wickedThere is an explanation video available below. |
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The last criticism at the rally was made in ignorance? A. uninformed B. unimpeachable C. objective D. impeccable
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Detailed Solution'Made in ignorance' implies made without information or knowledge. The most appropriate answer is option A as other options can be considered as antonymsThere is an explanation video available below. |
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The astute businessman neatly fended off questions about his private life? A. asked B. explained C. welcomed D. sidestepped
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Detailed SolutionFend off means to avoid, refrain or stay away from; prevent. abstain; defend.There is an explanation video available below. |
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We were warned not to indulge in recriminations? A. counter-charges B. accusations C. indicretions D. frivolous allegations
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Detailed SolutionRecrimination is an accusation in response to one from someone else.There is an explanation video available below. |
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The shortage of petrol was a perennial problem? A. a recurring B. a seasonal C. an annual D. an incurable
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Detailed SolutionPerennial implies lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.There is an explanation video available below. |
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The best of the boys admire Olu's verve A. intelligence B. handsomeness C. work D. energy
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Detailed SolutionVerve means lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.There is an explanation video available below. |
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He holds on firmly to his hackneyed view of life. A. wayward B. principled C. obsolete D. positive
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Detailed SolutionHackneyed: (of a phrase or idea) having been overused;There is an explanation video available below. |
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I visited Amina umpteen times in her college, but she never came to me? A. often B. seldom C. twice D. occasionally
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Detailed Solutionumpteen implies indefinitely many; a lot of.There is an explanation video available below. |
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The debt the company incurred became rather intolerable? A. inevitable B. unprecedented C. insupportable D. dangerous
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Detailed SolutionIntolerable implies unable to be endured.There is an explanation video available below. |
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The tax rebate was a concession given to the civil servants? A. a donation B. an allowance C. an incentive D. an emolument
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Detailed SolutionConcession implies a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands.There is an explanation video available below. |
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beads of sweat ran down Ngozi's armpit? A. Pools B. Spring C. Ponds D. Rivulets
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Detailed SolutionBeads imply a drop of a liquid on a surface.There is an explanation video available below. |
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The noise across the road downed the sound of the keyboard in my room? A. neutralized B. overshadowed C. balanced D. equalized
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Detailed SolutionDowned means to bring to a low or lower positionThere is an explanation video available below. |
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Things may change soon, but at the moment our economic situation is precarious? A. redeemable B. buoyant C. uncertain D. unattractive
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Detailed SolutionPrecarious means dependent on change.There is an explanation video available below. |
Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the underlined letter(s). |
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Clothe? A. Thomas B. three C. they D. mouth
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Detailed SolutionBoth ''clothes and they'' have the (ð) sound as seen below.clothes; /kləʊ(ð)z/ they; /ðeɪ/ There is an explanation video available below. |
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Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the underlined letter(s). |
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