Paper 1 | Objectives | 39 Questions
Year: 1997
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Abram responded to the Lord's appearing to him at Shechem by A. continuing his journey to Bethel B. marking the occasion with a feast C. pitching his tent at Shechem D. building an alter to the Lord E. inviting his friends as witnesses |
D |
2. |
Moses experienced the burning bush that was not consumed at A. Horeb B. Bethel C. Nebo D. Midian E. Meriba |
A |
3. |
The army of Israel led by Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by A. Deborah B. Lappidoth C. Heber D. Sisera E. Abinoam |
D |
4. |
Eli's lack of parental responsibility led to all the following except the A. institution of the monarchy in Israel B. collapse of Eli's priestly lineage C. decisive defeat of Israel by the Philistines D. death of Hophni and Phinehas E. capture of the ark of covenant |
A |
5. |
Following Solomon's request to God at Gibeon, God endowed him with all the following except A. an understanding mind B. the ability for good governance C. righteousness with and faithfulness to God D. riches and honour E. the abilityto discern between good and evil |
C |
6. |
Which of the following best describes David's attitude to Abner's death? A. Sincere shock B. gladness for the death of an enemy C. Hypocritical shock and disbelief D. disppointment for unrealized dreams E. thankfulness to God for his proven innocence |
A |
7. |
Ahab's request for Naboth's vineyard exposed his A. fairness and justice B. consideration for other's right C. cleverness and treachery D. appreciation of beauty E. envy and disregard for the law |
E |
8. |
When Nehemiah received the situation report on Jerusalem after thye fall of the city, he A. left immediately for Jerusalem to rebuild the walls B. wrote to the Governors of the province beyond the river C. Appeal to the King of Babylon to allow the exiles to return home D. wept,fasted and prayed for days E. could not stand before the king for several days |
D |
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