Paper 1 | Objectives | 43 Questions
Year: 1998
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
God created light in the firmament of the heaven so that they might A. end the darkness that had opposed divine purpose B. separate the day from the night C. give light to the trhone of God D. illuminate the earth and the heavens E. bring warmth to the earth |
D |
2. |
When Moses brought the people of Israel out to meet God on Mount Sinai, the Mount was wrapped in smoke because A. God kindled a fire on it B. the Israelite set up fire round about the Mount C. there was an earthquake on the Mount D. a very loud trumpet blast caused eruption on it E. the Lord descended upon it with fire |
E |
3. |
Who among the following did God direct Mose to appoint as his successor? A. Caleb B. Eleazar C. Joshua D. Gideon E. Aaron |
C |
4. |
God created light in the firmament of the heavens so that they might A. end the darkness that had opposed divne purpose B. separate the day from the night C. give light to the throne of God D. illuminate the earth and the heavens purpose E. bring warmth to the earth |
D |
5. |
When Abram got to Sechem after his call, God appeared to him and said A. To your descendant I will give this land B. Fear not Abram, I am your sheild C. I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless D. I will make of you a great nation and kings shall come forth from you E. I will make you the father of a multitude of nations |
A |
6. |
When Moses brought the people of Israel out to meet God on Mount Sinai, the Mount was wrapped in smoke because A. God kindled a fire on it B. the Israelites set up fire roundabout the Mount C. there was an earthquake on the Mount D. a very loud trumpet blast caused eruption on it E. the Lord descended upon it with fire |
E |
7. |
Who among the following did God direct Moses to appoint as his successor? A. Caleb B. Eleazar C. Joshua D. Gideon E. Aaron |
C |
8. |
Owing to Saul's rejection of the word of the Lord, Samuel told him that God had A. turned down his prayer for forgiveness B. choses a son of Jesse to succeed him C. pronounced that he would die on Munt Gilboa D. rejected him as king over Israel E. rejected all his sacrifices |
D |
9. |
Abner and Ishboshet parted ways due to A. a disagreement on royal property B. insistent wooing of Abner by David C. an accusation on a fault concerning a woman D. the hand of fellowship which Job extended to Abner E. Abner's secret marriage to Michal |
C |
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