Paper 1 | Objectives | 91 Questions
Year: 2008
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. |
1. |
He needn't have bought that table? A. It isn't possible that he bought the table B. He bought the table, but it wasn't necessary C. He didn't buy the table because it wasn,t necessary D. He doesn't need to buy the table |
2. |
It was too cold for him to go out? A. He had a bad cold, and did not go out B. Although it was very cold, he still went out C. As it was very cold, he did not go out D. He was afraid to go out that day |
3. |
He wants the meeting to be adjourned? A. He wants the meeeting closed B. He wants the meeting cancelled C. He wants the meeting to continue to the next day D. He wants the meeting to commence another day
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Detailed SolutionOption D is the best answer to the question. When a meeting is adjourned it breaks off with the intention of resuming it later.There is an explanation video available below. |
4. |
My father is one of the vociferous few challenging the company's appointment of the manager? A. my father is the one who shouts with a loud voice against the appointment of the manager B. My father and others speak on behalf of the company against the appointment of the manager C. My father is one of those objecting to the appointment of the manager D. My father is agitated by the appointment of the manager |
5. |
In those days in this school, everyone who spoke in a language other than English paid a fine of ten naira? A. Everyone of us paid a fine of ten naira because we did not always speak in English B. Everyone would pay a fine of ten naira for wanting to use a language other than English C. Those who spoke a language other than English on the premises paid a fine of ten naira D. Those who intended to speak other language on the school premises were required to pay ten naira
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Detailed SolutionOption C best explains the information conveyed in the sentence aboveThere is an explanation video available below. |
6. |
The officer has discussed the vexed issue of incessant power failure? A. In anger the officer explained the problem of constant power failure B. The officer added his voice to the much discussed problem of power cut C. The officer's explanations angered those failures who have suffered the effects of frequent power failure D. The officer told the people not to be angered by the frequent power cut
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Detailed SolutionThe officer has discussed an issue of which is the problem of ceaseless power failure. Option B conveys this interpretation.There is an explanation video available below. |
Choose the option opposite in meaning to the underlined word. |
7. |
The weather condition now prevailing in town is unbearable? A. widespread B. dominant C. uncommon D. unconttrollable |
8. |
The lady was completely nonplussed when her suitor rejected her gifts? A. unpuzzled B. surprise C. unconscious D. disappointed
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Detailed SolutionNonplussed means to be surprised or confused that one is unsure how to react.Option A is the correct answer. There is an explanation video available below. |
9. |
As a public officer, he should act with scrupulous honesty at all times. A. impeccable B. careless C. transparent D. uncompromising
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Detailed SolutionScrupulous means to be careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.Option B is the correct answer. There is an explanation video available below. |
10. |
The condition of the hotels has become deplorable? A. admirable B. regrettable C. bearable D. malignant
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Detailed Solutiondeplorable means deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.Option A is the correct answer There is an explanation video available below. |
11. |
Men from the agency went into the market in search of unwholesome food items? A. imported B. healthy C. banned D. uncooked
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Detailed SolutionUnwholesome means not characterized by or conducive to health or moral well-being.OPtion B is the correct answer. There is an explanation video available below. |
12. |
The plan to merge the two local government areas has met with much apathy? A. hospitality B. criticism C. consideration D. enthusiasm
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Detailed SolutionApathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern about something of great importance. Apathy is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, or passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical, or physical life and the world. The apathetic may lack a sense of purpose, worth, or meaning in their life. An apathetic person may also exhibit insensibility or sluggishness.Enthusiasm is a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it. it is a subject or activity that interests you very muc |
13. |
There is now a dearth of talent in the industry, she said? A. a lack B. an abundance C. a rebirth D. a shortage
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Detailed SolutionDearth means scarcity or lack of something.There is an explanation video available below. |
14. |
The students vandalized their hostel during the riot? A. deserted B. repaired C. protected D. decorated
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Detailed SolutionVandalized means to deliberately destroy or damage.There is an explanation video available below. |
15. |
His kind-hearted master bought him a motorcycle? A. stingy B. generous C. shrewd D. angry
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Detailed SolutionKindhearted means having a kind and sympathetic nature.There is an explanation video available below. |
16. |
Mutual love is what Kabi and Musa have in common and nothing else? A. insincere B. unhappy C. one-side D. disrespectful
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Detailed SolutionMutual means a feeling or action experienced or done by each of two or more parties towards the other or others.There is an explanation video available below. |
17. |
Always strive to get what is legitimate? A. illicit B. legal C. good D. impure
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Detailed SolutionLegitimate means conforming to the law or to rules.There is an explanation video available below. |
18. |
Some aspect of their culture are out of date? A. genuine B. pragmatic C. fashionable D. fake
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Detailed SolutionOut of date simply means old fashioned.There is an explanation video available below. |
19. |
On the first day of her examination, amina felt very confident? A. excited B. dull C. beefed up D. strung up
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Detailed Solutionconfident is the feeling or showing certainty about something.strung up means to be nervous or worried There is an explanation video available below. |
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