Paper 1 | Objectives | 37 Questions
Year: 2008
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
The earth lies between the A. mercury and the venus B. mars and the jupiter C. venus and the mars D. jupiter and the pluto |
C |
2. |
When the moon comes in between the earth and the sun A. eclipse of the moon occurs B. the length of the day varies C. a solar eclipse occurs D. the length of the day increases |
C |
3. |
How long does it take the mercury to make a complete revolution? A. 88 days B. 225 days C. 365 days D. 687 days |
A |
4. |
Which of the following is not a proof of the earth's sphericity? A. circumnavigation of the earth B. deflection of winds C. ship's visibility D. the circular horizon |
B |
5. |
Which of the following is not a characteristic of lines of longitude? They A. run from East to West B. converge at the poles C. run from north to south D. are used in calculating local time |
A |
6. |
If the time at the Greenwich Meridian is 11.00am, what would the local time be at a place 750W? A. 6.00 p.m B. 5.00 p.m C. 6.00 a.m D. 5.00 a.m |
C |
7. |
The part of the earth where life exists is the A. hydrosphere B. baryshphere C. biosphere D. atmosphere |
C |
8. |
A relative humidity of 100 percent means that air is A. unsaturated B. saturated C. dry D. moist |
B |
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