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Paper 1 | Objectives | 48 Questions
Year: 2008
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
A pie-chart shows information in? A. percentages B. degrees C. slope angles D. divided bars |
B |
2. |
Which of the following operations is common to both chain and prismatic compass surveys? A. Baseline determination B. Forward bearing reading C. Backward bearing reading D. Offset measurement |
D |
3. |
The surface zone of the earth is occupied by living organisms is referred to as the? A. atmosphere B. lithosphere C. biosphere D. hydrosphere |
C |
4. |
A tremendous pressure or temperature changes may lead to the formation of? A. limestone B. granite C. gneiss D. clay |
C |
5. |
Sedimentary rocks are distinguished from other rocks by their? A. strata B. joints C. compact nature D. crystalline nature |
A |
6. |
Rocks often develop cracks when they are exposed to? A. compression and movements B. joints and faults C. compression and tension D. joints and cracks |
B |
7. |
A feature produced as a result of glacial deposition is? A. a cirque B. a moraine C. an arete D. a hanging valley |
A |
8. |
A type of landform that is associated with large scale orogeny is a? A. block mountain B. volcanic mountain C. fold mountain D. residual mountain |
D |
9. |
The effect of ocean currents along the coasts they wash are experienced? A. during summer only B. during winter only C. when prevailing winds are onshore D. when prevailing winds are offshore |
C |
10. |
Which of the following is a warm currents? A. East Australlian current B. California currents C. Peruvian D. Antarctic drift |
D |
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