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Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 2004
Level: JHS
Type: Question Paper
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Paper 1 | Objectives
Mathematics (Core)
English Language
Christian Religious Knowledge/Education/Studies (CRS/CRK/CRE)
Agricultural Science
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The International Court of Justice had its headquarters in
A. Hague
B. London
C. New York
D. Paris
E. Washington D.C.
The organ of the United Nations responsible for negotiating agreements with the specialized agencies is the
A. Economic and Social Council
B. General Assembly
C. International Court of Justice
D. Security Council
E. Trusteeship Council
The cultural differences which made the adoption of Federation necessary in Nigeria include the following EXCEPT
A. colonial desire
B. customs
C. languages
D. religious
E. traditions
The motion for the attaintment of self-government for Nigeria was tabled in
A. 1953
B. 1956
C. 1958
D. 1959
E. 1960
Which of the parties did its internal crisis contribute to the breakdown of the McPherson Constitution of 1951?
A. A.G
B. N.C.N.C
C. N.E.P.U
D. N.P.C
E. U.M.B.C
The right to change nationality enshrined in the UN declaration of Human Rights guarantees citizenship by ..........
A. birth
B. conquest
C. descent
D. honour
E. naturalization
The non-permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization are appointed for a period of ………….. years(s).
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five
An alien who wishes to become a citizen of Nigeria must take an oath of
A. allegation
B. allegiance
C. alliance
D. obedience
E. respect
Which of the following best defines a constitution?
A. A body of rules written or unwritten which guides the operation of a government
B. A document providing for the rights of citizens
C. A document which sets out the laws governing the working of the government
D. A legal document to guide judges
E. The rules guiding parliamentary procedures
Which of the following was provided for in the 1979 constitution of Nigeria?
A. Cocoa Research Council
B. Council for National Awareness
C. Council for National Commissioners
D. Military Arbitration Panel
E. National Security Council
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