Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 1982
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
In which one of the following sections of a hill slope would you expect the soil to be deepest and most moist? The A. footslope B. midslope C. summit D. upper slope E. fall slope |
A |
2. |
A volcanic eruption is most likely to be violet when? A. volcano is near the sea B. neck of the volcano is sealed by a plug C. lava is viscous D. lava reaches the surface through a fissure E. volcano is below an ocean |
C |
3. |
Poorly drained soils are good for the growth of? A. oil palm B. surgarcane C. cocoa D. rice E. maize |
B |
4. |
Which of the following factors CANNOT be used to explain the nature and pattern of distribution of savannah vegetation in Africa? A. grazing B. bush burning C. crop cultivation D. seasonal rainfall E. temperature |
C |
5. |
Which of these is NOT a weathering process? A. The removal of regolith under the influence of weather B. The alteration of calcium carbonate in rocks to calcium bicarbonate C. The breakdown of rocks by plant roots D. The formation of clay minerals from feldspars in granites E. The disintergration of rocks by freeze-and-thaw action |
D |
6. |
A map measures 10cm by 6cm.If the map is enlarge such that its area is 240 sq. cm, the map is enlarged? A. twice B. thrice C. four times D. five times E. six times |
C |
7. |
Which of the following statements is true of the Sahara Desert, the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of North America? A. The areas inhabited by primitive hunters and traders B. These areas have the world's largest known deposits of crude oil C. population is found in isolated oases and along the river valley's D. The enviroment is very harsh for both man and animal E. The inhabitants belong to the oldest races in the world |
D |
8. |
The major mountain belts of the world were produced through? A. wind erosion B. glacial activity C. volcanic activity D. folding E. river deposition |
D |
9. |
Which of the following statements bests describes the weathering process known as exfoliation? A. The chemical alteration of rock minerals on taking in water B. The peeling away of rocks in thin layers acid C. The dissolution of basic minerals by carbonic acid D. The addition of oxygen to mineral elements to form oxides E. The disintegration of foliated rocks |
B |
10. |
Which of the instruments is used in measuring wind speed? A. Wind vane B. Barometer C. Cup anamometer D. Hygrometer E. Speedometer |
C |
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