Paper 1 | Objectives | 49 Questions
Year: 2013
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Government can be defined as the study of A. constitutions B. cabinet system of government only C. how people rule themselves D. presidential system of government only
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Detailed SolutionA government is a group of people that have the power to rule in a territory, according to the law. It is simply the relation between a governed and a governing word. |
2. |
Which of the following is a feature of a state? A. Pursuance of sectional interest B. Colonial expericnce C. Territorial boundary D. Temporary existence
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Detailed SolutionFeatures of a state(a) a permanent population (b) a defined territory (c) government (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states. |
3. |
As a political ideology, communism seeks to A. accumulate capital in the hands of a few B. accommodate division of citizens into classes C. eliminate all forms of socio-economic inequalities D. create economic opportunities for profit making
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Detailed Solutioncommunism is a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. It is a classless community where there is communal living amongst the people |
4. |
Totalitarianism means a government headed by A. a dictor B. wealthy people C. educated elite D. the masses
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Detailed SolutionTotalitarianism is a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. |
5. |
Monarchy means government A. headed by a king B. by the people C. of the majority D. run by the elite
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Detailed SolutionMonarchy, political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his or her position through heredity. The monarch is usually a king or queen |
6. |
The rule of law is observed when A. democracy is practised B. laws are kept scret C. revolution is encouraged D. only the elite can govern
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Detailed SolutionRule of law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. It is more prevalent in a democratic regime |
7. |
Delegated legislation is necessary because it A. helps to promote dictatorship B. prevents even development C. is useful in times of emergency D. gives a lot of power to the president
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Detailed SolutionDelegated legislation allows the use of experts in relevant areas to make more detailed laws and usually consult a wider body of expert opinion. In times of emergency, certain decision making powers can be delegated to this experts for effective and fast results |
8. |
One of the criticisms against delegated legislation is that it A. promotes separation of powers B. is not parctised in advanced countries C. encroaches on parliamentary power D. gives too much power to the judicary |
C |
9. |
Fundamental Human Rights seek to A. promote the dignity of man B. train political activists C. encourages economic activities D. enthrone mob rule
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Detailed SolutionBy guaranteeing life, liberty, equality, and security, human rights protect people against abuse by those who are more powerful. |
10. |
Constitutionalism implies that A. citizens should read the constitution always B. leaders should ignore the dictates of the constitution C. citizens should challenge the provisions of the constitution D. leaders should act according to the stipulations of the constitution
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Detailed SolutionThe definition of constitutionalism is being ruled by basic standards and ideals which are consistent with an overriding rule of law or ethics. |
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