Paper 1 | Objectives | 60 Questions
Year: 1989
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Government is the machinery establish to manage the affairs of A. rulers B. aliens C. the civil service D. workers and peasants E. the state |
E |
2. |
The judicial organ of government is the body which A. implemenets the law B. makes the law C. punishes lawmakers D. rewards lawmakers E. interprets the law |
E |
3. |
Which of the following is a false description of the first Nigeria Prime Minister? He A. was first among equals B. presided over the cabinet C. was the Head of Government D. exercised the executive power with his cabinet E. exercised the prerogative of mercy |
E |
4. |
The twelve state structure was created in Nigeria in A. 1965 B. 1966 C. 1967 D. 1974 E. 1975 |
C |
5. |
The law which the state legislators make normally pass through A. the commissioner B. the process of deliberations C. the judiciary D. some committees in the civil service E. the executive |
B |
6. |
In the parliamentary system of government, ministers are A. chosen from the House as well as outside B. collectively responsible to parliament C. representatives of various interests in the country D. members of the legislature E. appointed by two-third majority of the legislature |
B |
7. |
Which of the following is not a public corporation? The A. Nigerian Ports Authortiy B. National Sports Commission C. National Youth Service Corps D. Nigerian Railway Corporation E. Nigerian Airways |
C |
8. |
Which of the following is not an academic discipline in which a student of Government can specialize? A. Public Administration B. Local Government C. Political Territory D. International Relations E. Public Education |
C |
9. |
The Republican Constitution of 1963 was indigenous because it was approved by A. a referendum B. the representatives of the people in parliament C. the British parliament D. the colonial government E. the regional legislature only |
B |
10. |
Local government reforms were carried out by the Federal Military Government in A. 1966 B. 1967 C. 1970 D. 1976 E. 1979 |
E |
11. |
With which country did Nigeria break diplomatic relations in 1963 for exploding a nuclear device in the Sahara? A. The Soviet Union B. The U.S.A C. China D. Sourth Africa E. France |
E |
12. |
The first political party in Nigeria was formed after the introduction of the A. Richard Constitution B. Clifford Constitution C. Bourdillon Constitution D. Macpherson Constitution E. Lyttleton Constitution |
B |
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