Paper 1 | Objectives | 57 Questions
Year: 1997
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Government as an institution of the state means the A. method of organizing parties and preasure group B. process of decision-making in a society C. methods of resolution of conflicts among the people D. structures and sysytems for decision-making in society E. method of recruiting political leaders |
D |
2. |
In a feudal system, the hierarchy of citizens is the king A. nobles and lords B. queen and lords C. knights and nobles D. serfs and knights E. lords and serfs |
E |
3. |
The political culture of the country is said to be participatory if individuals are A. interested in voting and contesting elections B. not allowd to criticize the government C. not allowed to join political parties finance by the Governmnet D. not allowed to vote |
A |
4. |
The ability of leaders make and enforce decisions in a state is called A. sovereignty B. political power C. socialization D. legitimacy E. democratic process |
B |
5. |
The idea of separation of powers as a political concept was developed by A. Louis Mostesquieu B. A.V Dicey C. Thomas Hobbes D. Kar Marx E. Jean Bodin |
A |
6. |
Fascist movement has its origin in A. Germany B. Italy C. Spain D. The defunct Soviet Union E. Japan |
B |
7. |
Which of the following factors enhances the operation of the Rule of Law? A. Well-equipped police force B. Establishment of modern press C. Independent judiciary D. Enlightened citizens E. Respect for the leaders |
C |
8. |
An important reason for granting the Judiciary the power of Judicial Review is to enable it to A. uphold the surpremacy of the Constitution B. promote freedom of the press C. elevate the Judiciary above the other organs D. demonstrate the independence of the Judiciary |
D |
9. |
The Judiciary independent when judges are A. popularly elected into political offices B. free to join any political party of their choice C. free from external control and interference D. empowered to amend the national constitution E. absolutely free to control the Executive and Legislature |
C |
10. |
Which of the following comprises the President, the Ministers, the Civil Servants and the Police? The A. Armed Forces B. Judiciary C. Legislature D. Exective E. Council of States |
D |
11. |
A constitution can be defined as A. the rules guiding parliamentary procedures B. a legal document to guide judges C. the constituent elements of a contractual agreement D. all written laws of a state E. the rules guiding the affairs of an institution of society |
E |
12. |
The constitution of federal system is usually A. written and rigid B. superior in content C. difficult to understand D. for the use of the federal government only E. suspended for a general elections |
A |
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