Paper 1 | Objectives | 54 Questions
Year: 1999
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
The essence of the constitution is to A. safeguard the rights and freedom of the citizens B. ensure tyranny and oppression of the masses C. encourage military intervention in politics D. suppress the views of the minority groups |
A |
2. |
In democracy, political sovereignty resides with the A. Judiciary B. Legislature C. Electorate D. President |
C |
3. |
The highest stage of socialism is A. racism B. fascism C. communism D. nazism |
C |
4. |
Feudalism is a practice in which A. the citizens have no political and social rights B. hereditary landlords ruled peasants C. political leadership is based on force D. the social structure is stratified |
B |
5. |
The rule of the privileged nobility is referred to as A. plutocracy B. monarcy C. aristocracy D. autocracy |
C |
6. |
The rights to freedom of speech means that people are free to A. express anything they like about government B. disobey the government of the day C. express opinion within the limits of the law D. participate in government |
C |
7. |
A federal constitution is usually A. flexible B. unwritten C. written and flexible D. written and rigid |
D |
8. |
The end of each session of the legislature is called A. dissolution B. suspension C. closure D. prorogation |
D |
9. |
The political effect of the removal of the Prime Minister under a parliamentary system of government is A. a general election B. the suspension of the ministers C. the suspension of the constitution D. the dissolution of the court of law |
A |
10. |
The Chief Executive in a parliamentary system of government is known as the A. President B. Speaker C. Prime Minister D. Governo-General |
C |
11. |
Which of the following is basic feature of the rule of law? A. Equality before the law B. Secret trial of offenders C. Exective control of the Judiciary D. Unlimited powers for the police |
A |
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