Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 2007
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Ranging poles are important in chain and prismatic compass surveys to determine? A. the adjustment to correct a closure error B. the total length of all offsets C. the length of the base line D. three points along a straight line |
B |
2. |
A slope is said to be even when the contours are? A. equally spaced B. concentric C. closely spaced D. irregularly spaced |
A |
3. |
Chemical weathering in tropical Africa creates domed rock outcropping called? A. volcanic rocks B. escarpments C. scarp D. inselbergs |
D |
4. |
The greatest volcanic regions of Africa are found in? A. Sudan and Ethopia B. the Maghrib C. Kenya and Tanzania D. the Cameroons |
C |
5. |
The south west of Nigeria is a major destination for internal migrants because the area is? A. highly urbanized and has many industries B. very close to the coast and has many industries C. well endowed with petroleum resources and free from political crises D. agriculturally rich and has a good climate |
A |
6. |
The narrow neck of water separating Africa from Europe in the northwest is the? A. Cape of Good Hope B. Suez Canal C. Strait of Gibealtar D. Canaray Island |
B |
7. |
The highest peak in Nigeria can be found on the? A. Oban Hills B. Western Uplands C. Adamawa Highland D. Jos Plateau |
C |
8. |
The exploitation of timber in equatorial Africa causes? A. soil erosion B. environmental pollution C. less rainfall run-off D. high cost of forest products |
A |
9. |
One of the areas noted for paddy rice production in Nigeria is? A. Eungu Scarpland B. Obudu Plateau C. Badeggi D. Kaduna |
C |
10. |
An example of intensive farming system in Nigeria is? A. pastoral farming B. crop rotation C. market gardening D. mixed farming |
B |
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