Paper 1 | Objectives | 98 Questions
Year: 1996
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
In each of the following sentences, there is one word underlined and one gap. From the list of words lettered A - E, choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentences. |
1. |
There is no doubt that pride is less desirable a quality than........... A. arrogance B. honesty C. tendemess D. efficiency E. humility |
E |
2. |
Few people prefer the rural to the ........areas A. urban B. pastoral C. rustic D. cultured E. unskilful |
A |
3. |
Emeka is quite refined in his manners but his colleague is rather.......... A. arrogant B. crude C. courtly D. cultured E. modern |
B |
4. |
Instead of helping to preserve our culture, the youth engage in activities A. denounce B. alter C. conserve D. destroy E. remove |
D |
5. |
We should regard donations as....and not compulsory A. mandatory B. necessary C. voluntary D. gratuitious E. obligatory |
C |
6. |
The affluence of the politicians contrasts with the..of the masses A. poverty B. paucity C. misery D. plenty E. suffering |
A |
7. |
The importation of rice is permitted while that of wheat is ......... A. allowed B. suspened C. licensed D. inhibited E. prohibited |
E |
8. |
The goal lifted the team from the agony of defeat to the .......of victory A. hope B. desire C. celebration D. ceremony E. ecstasy |
E |
9. |
One species of the animal has gone into extinction while the other is still in .... A. antiquity B. execution C. oblivion D. irrelevance E. existence |
E |
10. |
The Council ratified the controversial recommendation which we thought would be........... A. reviewed B. corroborated C. authenticated D. refuted E. rejected |
E |
From the words lettered A to E, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. |
11. |
He was sent to the Remand Home in the hope that the place would....him A. reform B. amend C. improve D. renovats E. commend |
A |
12. |
Since there was no further comments the chairman called for the ......of the minutes of the last meeting. A. objection B. resolution C. admission D. adoption E. correction |
D |
13. |
There was a ten-minute.....during the stage-performance of the play A. intercession B. interview C. interlude D. inetrim E. interplay |
C |
14. |
The judge restrained the landlord from...the tenant A. ejecting B. sacking C. dismissing D. punishing E. attacking |
A |
15. |
The soldiers pledged their....loyalty to their commander A. divided B. unalloyed C. effective D. remarkable E. enomous |
B |
16. |
Many children are suffering from.....because of poor feeding A. maltreatment B. meningitis C. hepatitis D. conjunctivitis E. malnutrition |
E |
17. |
The audience gave the actor a standing.......for his beautiful performance. A. proclamation B. appraisal C. ovation D. reward E. clapping |
C |
18. |
If the customer fails to honour his pledge again, his.....will surely be in doubt A. responsibility B. validity C. credulity D. crediblity E. ability |
D |
19. |
The judge warned that he would not tolerate any interruption of the .....of the court A. proceeds B. deliberations C. debates D. proceedings E. processions |
D |
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence. |
20. |
I can make a little out of Tolu's story. This means that A. I don't understand Tolu's story B. I quite appreciate Tolu's story C. Tolu's story is unreliable D. Tolu's story is biased |
A |
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