Paper 1 | Objectives | 137 Questions
Year: 2021
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that wil, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence. |
1. |
While Mr.Ade is ..........., his son is a novice. A. enlightened B. competent C. clever D. experienced
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Detailed SolutionNovice: a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.Experienced:having gained knowledge or skill in a particular field over time. |
2. |
It is better to use persuasion rather than .... to get witnesses to court. A. effort B. coercion C. influence D. pressure
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Detailed SolutionPersuasion: the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something. Persuade means to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe itInfluence: the power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth. |
3. |
The animosity between Fatou and Sheku is shocking, considering the ...... they once shared. A. company B. friendship C. peace D. understanding
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Detailed SolutionAnimosity: strong hostility.Fiendship: the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. |
4. |
The reckless driver was admonished to be ______ A. cautious B. responsible C. reliable D. considerate
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Detailed SolutionReckless: heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous.Cautious:careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. |
5. |
The old man rebuked the thug and his children .... him for doing so. A. commended B. embraced C. thanked D. supported
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Detailed SolutionRebuked: express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions.Commended: praise formally or officially. |
6. |
All divers were enjoined to obtain genuine and ______ licences. A. artificial B. fraudulent C. fake D. substandard
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Detailed SolutionGenuine: truly what something is said to be; authentic.Fake: truly what something is said to be; authentic. |
7. |
There was agitation for the .......... law on libel to be re-enacted. A. enforced B. repealed C. rejected D. cancelled
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Detailed SolutionRe-enacted: bring (a law) into effect again when the original statute has been repealed or has expired.Repealed: revoke or annul (a law or act of parliament). |
8. |
The two political parties live today in ... after four years of hostility. A. happiness B. amity C. agreement D. freedom
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Detailed SolutionHostility: hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.Amity: friendly relations. |
9. |
The champions were elated after the tournament while their opponents looked _______ A. baffled B. dejected C. pitiful D. frightened
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Detailed SolutionElated: ecstatically happy.Dejected: sad and depressed; dispirited. |
10. |
That engineer was said to have used inferior than _____ materials in the construction of the collapsed building. A. excellent B. recommended C. quality D. exceptional
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Detailed SolutionInferior: lower in rank, status, or quality.Excellent: extremely good; outstanding. |
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. |
11. |
I could not read what he wrote because his handwriting was_____ A. tiny B. eligible C. untidy D. illegible
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Detailed Solutionillegible: not clear enough to be read. |
12. |
When all the items on the agenda had been discussed, the meeting was ______ A. dismissed B. postponed C. adjourned D. dissolved
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Detailed SolutionDismissed: deliberately ended. |
13. |
Occasionally, universities award _____ degrees to outstanding personalities. A. ceremonial B. honorary C. temporary D. respectable
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Detailed SolutionHonorary: conferred as an honour, without the usual requirements or functions. |
14. |
His thoughtlessness is simply beyond _____. A. idea B. assurance C. belief D. fate
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Detailed SolutionBelief: something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion. |
15. |
Many doctors have ___ to western countries for better opportunities. A. migrated B. travelled C. immigrated D. participant
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Detailed SolutionMigrated: move from one region or habitat to another according to the seasons. |
16. |
The younger brother insisted that he should be a .......... to the account. A. partner B. signatory C. guarantor D. participant
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Detailed SolutionSignatory: a party that has signed an agreement, especially a state that has signed a treaty. |
17. |
The military was able to ..... the plan to overthrow the government. A. fight B. disrupt C. thwart D. disturb
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Detailed SolutionThwart: prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. |
18. |
She gave her poem to her teacher to .... for the school magazine. A. read B. edit C. correct D. label
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Detailed SolutionEdit: prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it. |
19. |
Freedom of movement is a ........ right of every citizen. A. negotiated B. fundamental C. privileged D. foremost
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Detailed SolutionFundamental: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance. |
20. |
The governor granted the political prisoners _______ A. asylum B. acquittal C. amnesty D. bail
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Detailed SolutionAmnesty: an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences. |
Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for each sentence. |
21. |
The recruits are under his tutelage. This means that he ______ A. assigns work to them. B. trains them C. disciplines them at work D. protects them
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Detailed SolutionUnder his tutelage implies under one's instruction; tuition. |
22. |
He listened attentively to her cock-and-bull story. This means that she told A. a terrifying story B. an interesting story C. an incredible story D. a lot of folktales
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Detailed SolutionCock and bull story: an implausible story used as an explanation or excuse. |
23. |
He has left the country for this good time. This means that he A. will never come back B. left for better conditions C. became an adventurer D. will improve his credentials
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Detailed SolutionFor this good time implies permanent, without the possibility of change in the future. |
24. |
The bus driver smelt a rat when an unregistered vehicle trailed him for several kilometers. This means that the bus driver A. increased his speed B. became nervous C. became suspicious D. alerted the passengers
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Detailed SolutionSmelt rat implies becoming suspicious |
25. |
The newly employed workers were remunerated handsomely. This means that A. both old and new workers were paid B. only newly employed workers were paid C. the salaries of the new workers were attractive D. the salaries of the new workers were paid promptly
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Detailed SolutionRemunerated handsomely implies given an attractive reward |
26. |
The chairman has come under fire over this project. This means that the chairman has been A. severely criticised B. highly praised C. given the go-ahead D. charged to court.
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Detailed Solutioncome under fire means to be criticized |
27. |
The ugly incidents of the Civil War are water under the bridge. This means that the incidents A. continue to haunt us B. have been experienced again C. have been forgotten D. cannot be wished away
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Detailed SolutionWater under the bridge: problems that someone has had in the past that they do not worry about because they happened a long time ago |
28. |
My heart was in my mouth as I tried to open the envelope. This means that as I opened the envelope, I was A. very happy B. quite eager C. deeply disappointed D. extremely afraid
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Detailed SolutionMy heart was in my mouth is used to say that you suddenly felt very afraid |
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