Paper 1 | Objectives | 57 Questions
Year: 2003
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Agriculture helps to solve all the following problems except A. malnutrition B. unemployment C. high population growth rate D. inadaequate shelter materials |
C |
2. |
Wastage of perishable farm produce is likely due to the following problems except A. inadequate storage and processing facilities B. poor roads leading to rural areas C. inadequate plying rural roads D. inadequate water supply in rural areas |
D |
3. |
Plant quarantine was introduced to A. control incoming diseases and pests B. control the cost of production C. maintain genetic purity of crops D. encourage breding of new varieties |
A |
4. |
Which of the following is an advantage of communal land tenure system? A. it encourages modern agriculture B. each member of the community can own land C. the land can be used as collateral D. family labour can be easily employed |
B |
5. |
An advantage of individual system of land ownership is that A. the land may be fragmented B. such land cannot be used as collateral C. it encourages long term planning D. it encourages land litigation |
C |
6. |
The role of government in promoting agricultural development includes the following except A. formulation of policies B. provision of rural infrastructure C. establishing and funding researche centres D. breeding of plant and animals |
D |
7. |
Which of the following is not a function of forestry? A. provision of timber for building B. establishment of pasture C. provision of shelter for wildlife D. preservation of medicinal and economic tree |
B |
8. |
The factors involved in the formation of metamorphic rocks are A. heat and pressure B. pressure and humidity C. humidity and chemicals D. chemicals and pressure |
A |
9. |
Which of the following is not a factor of soil formation? A. topography B. land conservation C. parent material D. climate |
B |
10. |
The rate of soil erosion is not affected by A. vegetation cover B. leaching C. rainfall D. topography |
B |
11. |
Which of the following soil properties cannot be easily altered? A. structure B. consistency C. texture D. fertility |
B |
12. |
A soil with low pH value can be improved by the addition of A. ammonium sulphate B. calcium carbonate C. sodium chloride D. sodium nitrate |
B |
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