Paper 1 | Objectives | 55 Questions
Year: 2004
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
One factor which differentiates a subsistence from a commercial farmer is that the former produces A. for the benefit of his community B. only one type of crop C. for the benefit of his family D. raw materials for agro-based industries |
C |
2. |
Which of the following land tenure systems encourages the establishment of permanent crops? A. freehold system B. tenancy C. leasedhold system D. pledging |
A |
3. |
The land tenure system that results in fragmentation of land is A. freehold B. government tenancy C. inheritance D. leasehold |
C |
4. |
The use of land for agriculture is not influenced by A. labour B. climate C. topography D. population |
A |
5. |
Igneous rocks formed within the crust are called A. guartzite B. volcanic C. plutonic D. stratified |
C |
6. |
Clay particles are able to attract cations in the soil because they A. are positively charged B. have excess negative charges C. are sticky D. can be moulded |
B |
7. |
What is the percentage porosity of a soil sample whose volume is 250cm when the volume of air is 200cm? A. 20 B. 25 C. 50 D. 80 |
A |
8. |
The most important soil micro-organism causing decay and nutrient recycling are A. bacteria and fungi B. fungi and algae C. algae and actinomycetes D. bacteria and algae |
A |
9. |
Which of the following soil water is tightly held to the surface of soil particles? A. hygroscopic water B. gravitational water C. capillary water D. superfluous water |
A |
10. |
Which of the following processes will not lead to the loss of nutrients from the soil? A. erosion B. mulching C. harvesting D. leaching |
B |
11. |
A disadvantage of using organic manure on the soil is that A. it decreases the potassuim content of the soil B. diseases spread fast C. it increases the humus content of the soil D. it reduces the rate of soil water evaporation |
B |
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