Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 1993
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
On September 23 each year, the earth experiences the? A. summer solstice B. autumnal equinox C. winter solstice D. vernal equinox
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Detailed SolutionAn equinox is an astronomical event in which the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun, which occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. |
2. |
Which of the following explains the variation in the lengths of day and night with the seasons? A. Earth's rotation on its axis B. Earth's revolution along its orbit C. The inclination of the earth D. the sperical shape of the earth |
B |
3. |
Which of the following pairs of longitudes forms a Great Circle? A. 60°E and 140°E B. 40°W and 140°E C. 20°W and 160°W D. 10°E and 180° |
B |
4. |
A layer of very fine wind-deposited sand and silt is known as? A. loess B. barchan C. seif D. bajada |
A |
5. |
The variation in the volume of water in a river over time is known as its? A. regime B. discharge C. fluctuation D. velocity |
A |
6. |
Which of the following features is formed by the lower plucking, grinding and dragging action of ice? A. Hanging valley B. Arete C. Pyramidal peak D. Cirque |
D |
7. |
Which of the following are associated with the lower course of a river? A. Gorge, rapids and waterfalls B. Corrasion, corrosion and attrition C. Floodplains, ox-bow lakes and deltas D. Meanders, cliff and spurs |
C |
8. |
The decrease in temperature at the rate of 6.5°C for every 1,000m of ascent is termed? A. dry adiabatic lapse rate B. normal lapse rate C. wet adiabatic lapse rate D. temperature inversion |
B |
9. |
Lands and sea breeze occurs as a result of? A. daily variations in temperature B. rotation of the the earth on its axis C. seasonal movement of the I.T.C.Z D. differential heating of land amd water |
D |
10. |
The main effect of distance from the sea on rainfall is to reduce its? A. amount and seasonality B. amount and duration C. intensity and seasonality D. intensity and duration |
A |
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