81 - 90 of 92 Questions
# | Question | Ans |
From the words lettered A to D,choose the word that has a similar sound with the underlined sound in the given word. |
81. |
Pool A. poll B. pull C. move D. foot |
C |
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. |
82. |
Cause A. course B. pause C. course D. purse |
B |
83. |
Blood A. flowed B. bled C. flood D. brood |
C |
84. |
Head A. said B. heard C. sad D. bead |
A |
85. |
Brother A. father B. broader C. mother D. brothel |
B |
86. |
Quicken A. queen B. kitten C. kitchen D. chicken |
D |
In the question, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the stressed syllable in capital letters.From the words lettered A to D Choose the one that has the correct stress. |
87. |
Agriculture A. aGRIculture B. Agriculture C. agriCULture D. agriculTURE Detailed SolutionAgriculture has 4 syllables divide into ag-ri-cul-ture. The Primary syllable stress: A-gri-cul-ture |
88. |
Economics A. econoMICS B. eCOnomics C. Economics D. ecoNOmics |
D |
89. |
Democracy A. demoCRACY B. democraCY C. deMOcracy D. DEmocracy |
C |
90. |
Democracy A. demoCRACY B. democraCY C. deMOcracy D. DEmocracy |
A |
From the words lettered A to D,choose the word that has a similar sound with the underlined sound in the given word. |
81. |
Pool A. poll B. pull C. move D. foot |
C |
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. |
82. |
Cause A. course B. pause C. course D. purse |
B |
83. |
Blood A. flowed B. bled C. flood D. brood |
C |
84. |
Head A. said B. heard C. sad D. bead |
A |
85. |
Brother A. father B. broader C. mother D. brothel |
B |
86. |
Quicken A. queen B. kitten C. kitchen D. chicken |
D |
In the question, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the stressed syllable in capital letters.From the words lettered A to D Choose the one that has the correct stress. |
87. |
Agriculture A. aGRIculture B. Agriculture C. agriCULture D. agriculTURE Detailed SolutionAgriculture has 4 syllables divide into ag-ri-cul-ture. The Primary syllable stress: A-gri-cul-ture |
88. |
Economics A. econoMICS B. eCOnomics C. Economics D. ecoNOmics |
D |
89. |
Democracy A. demoCRACY B. democraCY C. deMOcracy D. DEmocracy |
C |
90. |
Democracy A. demoCRACY B. democraCY C. deMOcracy D. DEmocracy |
A |