Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

41 - 50 of 50 Questions

# Question Ans

Sir Henry Willinck of Britain was the chairman of a commission which investigated one of the following problems of Nigeria in 1958.

A. commercial banking problems

B. minority problems and fears

C. problems of political parties

D. problems of public corporations

E. problems of higher education



The OAU has its headquarters in

A. Freetown

B. Dar es Salaam

C. Nairobi

D. Addis Ababa

E. Khartoum



Which of the following countries in West Africa has not experienced military intervention in politics?

A. Upper Volta

B. Sierra Leone

C. Mali

D. lvory Coast

E. Togo



COWAS represents

A. the English- speaking equivalent of the Franco phone economic community in West Africa

B. an attempt to progressively eliminate obstacles to free movement of goods, services and people throughout West Africa

C. the West African regional arm of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

D. a continent- wide economic dimension of pan-Africanism

E. a concrate achievement by the Economic Commission for Africa (EGA)



In the OYO traditional political system the Alaafin of Oyo was elected or chosen by a group known as

A. Tributary Chiefs

B. Bal;es

C. Obas

D. Ogboni

E. Oyomesi

Detailed Solution

The Oyo Empire was not a hereditary monarchy, nor an absolute one. The Oyo Mesi selected the Alaafin. He was not always directly related to his predecessor, although he did have to be descended from Oranyan (also known as Oranmiyan), a son of Oduduwa (also known as Odudua, Odua ) and to hail from the Ona Isokun ward (which is one of the three royal wards).
The Oyo Mesi were seven principal councilors of the state. They constituted the Electoral Council and possessed legislative powers, similar to today's United States Congress. Led by the Bashorun, acting as prime minister, and ran by the Agbaakin, Samu, Alapini, Laguna, Akiniku and Ashipa.

Colonialism was successfully imposed on West Africa because

A. the colonial people thought colonialism was divinely inspired and therefore readily welcomed the imperial power with open arms

B. the colonial people believed the witeman to be superior to the blaceman and they were in Africa on a civilizing mission

C. the colonial people believed they were being liberated from the autocratic rule of the indigenous ruling elite

D. all of the above

E. the colonial people could not withstand the technologyical superiority of the colonial power



In the history of Nigeria 1914 was the

A. year of British established their rule over Nigeria

B. beginning of the First World War

C. year Lugard effected the amalgamation of Nigeria

D. year of the first election into the legislative council

E. year the railway system was completed



Which of the leaders rejected charles de Gaulle's Constitutional proposals in 1958?

A. Senghor

B. sekou Toure

C. Houphouet Boigny

D. Olympio

E. Diori



The first country in West Africa to become independent was

A. Nigeria

B. Guinea Bissau

C. Ghana

D. Benin

E. Republic of Guinea



In their deliberations on the Sharia issue, the Constituent Assembly in Nigeria

A. threw out the entire issue from the proposed constition

B. accepted the recommendationsof the constitution Drafting Committee (CDC)

C. United the country over the issue of sharia

D. accepted the principle of sharia law and justice but modified the provision in the Draft Constitution

E. through its debate clearly educated the majority of the people of Nigeria on the principles of Sharia law and Justice



Sir Henry Willinck of Britain was the chairman of a commission which investigated one of the following problems of Nigeria in 1958.

A. commercial banking problems

B. minority problems and fears

C. problems of political parties

D. problems of public corporations

E. problems of higher education



The OAU has its headquarters in

A. Freetown

B. Dar es Salaam

C. Nairobi

D. Addis Ababa

E. Khartoum



Which of the following countries in West Africa has not experienced military intervention in politics?

A. Upper Volta

B. Sierra Leone

C. Mali

D. lvory Coast

E. Togo



COWAS represents

A. the English- speaking equivalent of the Franco phone economic community in West Africa

B. an attempt to progressively eliminate obstacles to free movement of goods, services and people throughout West Africa

C. the West African regional arm of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

D. a continent- wide economic dimension of pan-Africanism

E. a concrate achievement by the Economic Commission for Africa (EGA)



In the OYO traditional political system the Alaafin of Oyo was elected or chosen by a group known as

A. Tributary Chiefs

B. Bal;es

C. Obas

D. Ogboni

E. Oyomesi

Detailed Solution

The Oyo Empire was not a hereditary monarchy, nor an absolute one. The Oyo Mesi selected the Alaafin. He was not always directly related to his predecessor, although he did have to be descended from Oranyan (also known as Oranmiyan), a son of Oduduwa (also known as Odudua, Odua ) and to hail from the Ona Isokun ward (which is one of the three royal wards).
The Oyo Mesi were seven principal councilors of the state. They constituted the Electoral Council and possessed legislative powers, similar to today's United States Congress. Led by the Bashorun, acting as prime minister, and ran by the Agbaakin, Samu, Alapini, Laguna, Akiniku and Ashipa.

Colonialism was successfully imposed on West Africa because

A. the colonial people thought colonialism was divinely inspired and therefore readily welcomed the imperial power with open arms

B. the colonial people believed the witeman to be superior to the blaceman and they were in Africa on a civilizing mission

C. the colonial people believed they were being liberated from the autocratic rule of the indigenous ruling elite

D. all of the above

E. the colonial people could not withstand the technologyical superiority of the colonial power



In the history of Nigeria 1914 was the

A. year of British established their rule over Nigeria

B. beginning of the First World War

C. year Lugard effected the amalgamation of Nigeria

D. year of the first election into the legislative council

E. year the railway system was completed



Which of the leaders rejected charles de Gaulle's Constitutional proposals in 1958?

A. Senghor

B. sekou Toure

C. Houphouet Boigny

D. Olympio

E. Diori



The first country in West Africa to become independent was

A. Nigeria

B. Guinea Bissau

C. Ghana

D. Benin

E. Republic of Guinea



In their deliberations on the Sharia issue, the Constituent Assembly in Nigeria

A. threw out the entire issue from the proposed constition

B. accepted the recommendationsof the constitution Drafting Committee (CDC)

C. United the country over the issue of sharia

D. accepted the principle of sharia law and justice but modified the provision in the Draft Constitution

E. through its debate clearly educated the majority of the people of Nigeria on the principles of Sharia law and Justice