Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

51 - 51 of 51 Questions

# Question Ans

The treaty establishing the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was

A. concluded in Lome (Togo) in December, 1976 after hard and extensive negotiations

B. designed as the main pillar on which an eventual African common market would be built

C. the brain-child of Togo and Ghana

D. signed in Lagos in May 1975 to promote trade and other economic co-operation in the region as a whole

E. to immediately eliminate tariffs and other barriers to trade among members



The treaty establishing the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was

A. concluded in Lome (Togo) in December, 1976 after hard and extensive negotiations

B. designed as the main pillar on which an eventual African common market would be built

C. the brain-child of Togo and Ghana

D. signed in Lagos in May 1975 to promote trade and other economic co-operation in the region as a whole

E. to immediately eliminate tariffs and other barriers to trade among members