Year : 
Title : 
Christian Religious Knowledge/Education/Studies (CRS/CRK/CRE)
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

11 - 20 of 39 Questions

# Question Ans

The main feature of the Covenant between God and Israel, according to Jeremiah, was that it was to

A. be written in the hearts of the people

B. be sealed with the blood of oxen

C. mark the dawn of a new era of political awareness in Israel

D. be concluded during the Babylonian exile

E. signify the coming of the Messiah



Prophet Jeremiah saw the need for a new covenant for Israel because

A. God has totally rejected Israel for her sins

B. the first covenant was no longer binding on the people

C. inspite of the old covenant, Israel has proved faithless to God

D. the first covenant left Israel with no room for choice

E. a new covenant will bind God and the people equally



Hosea describes Israel's relations hip with God as a

A. a faithful wife and a faithless husband

B. loving wife and her faithful husband

C. a repentant wife and her unforgiven husband

D. a faithful wife and her ever loving husband

E. a faithless wife and a loving husband



Jesus wanted John to baptize him in order to

A. fulfil all righteousness

B. show his superiority over John

C. wash away his sins

D. prove that he is the saviour

E. attract the attention of other sinners



According to Luke , the third temptation by the devil was that Jesus should

A. jump down from the high mountain

B. throw himself down from the pinnacle of the temple

C. rebuild the temple in three days

D. command stones to become bread

E. destroy the temple



In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall

A. have the kingdom of Heaven

B. be called the Sons of God

C. see God

D. Inherit the earth

E. be satisfied



Jesus as the Lamb of God signifies that

A. like a lamb, Jesus obeyed his father and became a man

B. Jesus was an earthly Messiah

C. God is the good Shephered and Jesus His Lamb

D. Jesus was to overcome humiliation

E. Jesus was to bear the sins of the world like a paschal lamb



Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is significant because it

A. was the climax of His revelation as the Messiah

B. marked His assumption as a political leader

C. marked the downfall of false Jewish religious leadership

D. wasn the end of Jesus ministry

E. was the first and only time he rode on an Ass



Jesus' healing miracle that resulted in the charge of blasphemy against him was that of the

A. Centurion's servant

B. leper

C. Blind

D. Paralytic

E. demoniac



Which of the following instruction was given by Jesus to the Seventy against any town which rejected them?

A. carry no purse, no bags and sandals

B. Accept whatever they were given as food

C. salute every house with peace

D. go from house to house preaching the Word of God

E. Wipe off the dust of their feet



The main feature of the Covenant between God and Israel, according to Jeremiah, was that it was to

A. be written in the hearts of the people

B. be sealed with the blood of oxen

C. mark the dawn of a new era of political awareness in Israel

D. be concluded during the Babylonian exile

E. signify the coming of the Messiah



Prophet Jeremiah saw the need for a new covenant for Israel because

A. God has totally rejected Israel for her sins

B. the first covenant was no longer binding on the people

C. inspite of the old covenant, Israel has proved faithless to God

D. the first covenant left Israel with no room for choice

E. a new covenant will bind God and the people equally



Hosea describes Israel's relations hip with God as a

A. a faithful wife and a faithless husband

B. loving wife and her faithful husband

C. a repentant wife and her unforgiven husband

D. a faithful wife and her ever loving husband

E. a faithless wife and a loving husband



Jesus wanted John to baptize him in order to

A. fulfil all righteousness

B. show his superiority over John

C. wash away his sins

D. prove that he is the saviour

E. attract the attention of other sinners



According to Luke , the third temptation by the devil was that Jesus should

A. jump down from the high mountain

B. throw himself down from the pinnacle of the temple

C. rebuild the temple in three days

D. command stones to become bread

E. destroy the temple



In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall

A. have the kingdom of Heaven

B. be called the Sons of God

C. see God

D. Inherit the earth

E. be satisfied



Jesus as the Lamb of God signifies that

A. like a lamb, Jesus obeyed his father and became a man

B. Jesus was an earthly Messiah

C. God is the good Shephered and Jesus His Lamb

D. Jesus was to overcome humiliation

E. Jesus was to bear the sins of the world like a paschal lamb



Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is significant because it

A. was the climax of His revelation as the Messiah

B. marked His assumption as a political leader

C. marked the downfall of false Jewish religious leadership

D. wasn the end of Jesus ministry

E. was the first and only time he rode on an Ass



Jesus' healing miracle that resulted in the charge of blasphemy against him was that of the

A. Centurion's servant

B. leper

C. Blind

D. Paralytic

E. demoniac



Which of the following instruction was given by Jesus to the Seventy against any town which rejected them?

A. carry no purse, no bags and sandals

B. Accept whatever they were given as food

C. salute every house with peace

D. go from house to house preaching the Word of God

E. Wipe off the dust of their feet