Year : 
Title : 
Christian Religious Knowledge/Education/Studies (CRS/CRK/CRE)
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

1 - 10 of 50 Questions

# Question Ans

On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars for the following purposes except

A. to separate the day from the night

B. for signs of seasons, days and years

C. to give light upon the earth

D. to dry up flood from the face of the earth



Which of the following was not a river flowing from the Garden of Eden?

A. Gihon

B. Tigris

C. Euphrates

D. Kishon



When Eve was about to be created, God did all the following except

A. causing a deep sleep to fall on Adam

B. taking a rib from Adam's side

C. covering where he removed the rib with a bone

D. using the rib to create Eve



"You shall be my own possession among all peoples" God made this promise to the Israelites on the condition that they

A. drove the Canaanites out of the land

B. kept away from foreign women

C. obeyed God's voice and kept His convenant

D. taught their children to obey God



Jacob's special robe for Joseph portrayed him as a

A. prince

B. heir

C. prophet

D. priest



The names of the sons of Jacob listed in the book of Exodus excluded Joseph because

A. Joseph was represented by his two sons

B. the Israelites thought Joseph had died

C. the list covered only those who came to Egypt with Jacob

D. it was an oversight on the part of the writers



The boy Moses was hidden for three months because

A. he was destined to become a great leader

B. he was attacked by an abominable disease

C. Pharoah feared the growth of the Hebrew population

D. Pharoah had decreed the murder of Hebrew male borns



The sons of Samuel misused their privileged positions by

A. not allowing the fats of animals to burn first to God

B. sleeping with women who came to sacrifice

C. bribery and false judgement

D. stealing from the offering



"Put me I pray you in one of the priest's places that I may eat a morsel of bread" Who made this prophecy and to whom was it made?

A. Eli to Hophni and Phineas

B. A man of God to Eli

C. Samuel to Eli the priest

D. A prophet to Eli's sons



Saul lied to Samuel when he (Saul)

A. allowed the soldiers to bring the booties of the war home

B. said that he had utterly destroyed the Amalekites

C. failed to kill the King of the Amalekites

D. spared the Kenites in the war against the Amalekites



On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars for the following purposes except

A. to separate the day from the night

B. for signs of seasons, days and years

C. to give light upon the earth

D. to dry up flood from the face of the earth



Which of the following was not a river flowing from the Garden of Eden?

A. Gihon

B. Tigris

C. Euphrates

D. Kishon



When Eve was about to be created, God did all the following except

A. causing a deep sleep to fall on Adam

B. taking a rib from Adam's side

C. covering where he removed the rib with a bone

D. using the rib to create Eve



"You shall be my own possession among all peoples" God made this promise to the Israelites on the condition that they

A. drove the Canaanites out of the land

B. kept away from foreign women

C. obeyed God's voice and kept His convenant

D. taught their children to obey God



Jacob's special robe for Joseph portrayed him as a

A. prince

B. heir

C. prophet

D. priest



The names of the sons of Jacob listed in the book of Exodus excluded Joseph because

A. Joseph was represented by his two sons

B. the Israelites thought Joseph had died

C. the list covered only those who came to Egypt with Jacob

D. it was an oversight on the part of the writers



The boy Moses was hidden for three months because

A. he was destined to become a great leader

B. he was attacked by an abominable disease

C. Pharoah feared the growth of the Hebrew population

D. Pharoah had decreed the murder of Hebrew male borns



The sons of Samuel misused their privileged positions by

A. not allowing the fats of animals to burn first to God

B. sleeping with women who came to sacrifice

C. bribery and false judgement

D. stealing from the offering



"Put me I pray you in one of the priest's places that I may eat a morsel of bread" Who made this prophecy and to whom was it made?

A. Eli to Hophni and Phineas

B. A man of God to Eli

C. Samuel to Eli the priest

D. A prophet to Eli's sons



Saul lied to Samuel when he (Saul)

A. allowed the soldiers to bring the booties of the war home

B. said that he had utterly destroyed the Amalekites

C. failed to kill the King of the Amalekites

D. spared the Kenites in the war against the Amalekites