Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

41 - 48 of 48 Questions

# Question Ans

One feature of European diplomacy in the scramble for Africa was

A. exchanging of ambassadors among them

B. holding Africans hostage for negotiations

C. negotiating with African leaders for territories

D. reconciling differences over territorial claims.

Detailed Solution

European powers held conferences in which they signed treaties among themselves to settle disagreements
among them over rival claims laid to African territories.

The French colonial policy of assimilation failed in Africa because

A. African culture was deeply rooted

B. the African elite were opposed to it

C. it was not consistently implemented

D. it was expensive to implement.



Which of the following was one of the demands of the National Congress of British West Africa?

A. Establishment of a university in each of the colonies.

B. Expulsion of all Syrians and Lebanese from the colonies.

C. Election of Africans into each colony’s council.

D. Restriction of the activities of Christian missionaries in the colonies.

Detailed Solution

The congress wanted a legislative council established for each British Colonial territory with majority of the
members being Africans.

The nationalist movement in Nigeria during the post-war period was primarily led by

A. businessmen

B. the intelligentsia

C. students

D. local chiefs.

Detailed Solution

The movement was led by mostly educated elite that had returned from Europe and those who took part in the
Second World War.

One of the objectives for the formation of the South African Native Congress in 1912 was to

A. establish a political party

B. encourage black participation in governance

C. retrieve all lands seized by the whites

D. integrate the various groups and races.



In 1973, Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with Israel because of Israel’s

A. occupation of Egyptian territory

B. support for apartheid South Africa

C. support for Biafra during the war

D. raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda.

Detailed Solution

Israel defeated the joint army of the six Arab nations in 1967 and again in 1973 and went ahead to annex some
important regions of Egypt.

King Leopold’s colonial ventures in the Congo were aimed at

A. making Belgium a great colonial power

B. carving out an empire for himself

C. putting a stop to domestic slave trade in the area

D. introducing Western education to the people.

Detailed Solution

Leopold did not want to be left out of
new territorial acquisitions in Africa following the encouragement of the French to do so by Bismarck of
Germany following the former’s loss of the rich territories of Alsace and Lorraine to the former .

In Africa, the colonial authorities introduced modern means of transportation in order to

A. develop the internal markets

B. increase farmers’ purchasing power

C. encourage urban development

D. promote import-export trade.



One feature of European diplomacy in the scramble for Africa was

A. exchanging of ambassadors among them

B. holding Africans hostage for negotiations

C. negotiating with African leaders for territories

D. reconciling differences over territorial claims.

Detailed Solution

European powers held conferences in which they signed treaties among themselves to settle disagreements
among them over rival claims laid to African territories.

The French colonial policy of assimilation failed in Africa because

A. African culture was deeply rooted

B. the African elite were opposed to it

C. it was not consistently implemented

D. it was expensive to implement.



Which of the following was one of the demands of the National Congress of British West Africa?

A. Establishment of a university in each of the colonies.

B. Expulsion of all Syrians and Lebanese from the colonies.

C. Election of Africans into each colony’s council.

D. Restriction of the activities of Christian missionaries in the colonies.

Detailed Solution

The congress wanted a legislative council established for each British Colonial territory with majority of the
members being Africans.

The nationalist movement in Nigeria during the post-war period was primarily led by

A. businessmen

B. the intelligentsia

C. students

D. local chiefs.

Detailed Solution

The movement was led by mostly educated elite that had returned from Europe and those who took part in the
Second World War.

One of the objectives for the formation of the South African Native Congress in 1912 was to

A. establish a political party

B. encourage black participation in governance

C. retrieve all lands seized by the whites

D. integrate the various groups and races.



In 1973, Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with Israel because of Israel’s

A. occupation of Egyptian territory

B. support for apartheid South Africa

C. support for Biafra during the war

D. raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda.

Detailed Solution

Israel defeated the joint army of the six Arab nations in 1967 and again in 1973 and went ahead to annex some
important regions of Egypt.

King Leopold’s colonial ventures in the Congo were aimed at

A. making Belgium a great colonial power

B. carving out an empire for himself

C. putting a stop to domestic slave trade in the area

D. introducing Western education to the people.

Detailed Solution

Leopold did not want to be left out of
new territorial acquisitions in Africa following the encouragement of the French to do so by Bismarck of
Germany following the former’s loss of the rich territories of Alsace and Lorraine to the former .

In Africa, the colonial authorities introduced modern means of transportation in order to

A. develop the internal markets

B. increase farmers’ purchasing power

C. encourage urban development

D. promote import-export trade.