Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

41 - 50 of 79 Questions

# Question Ans

The newspaper established by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe to project the interest of nationalists was__________

A. West African Pilot

B. Lagos Weekly Record

C. Daily Times

D. The Comet

Detailed Solution

The West African Pilot was the newspaper of Dr Azikiwe which served as a medium for propagating nationalist ideas and solidarity movements towards self-realization.
There is an explanation video available below.

The delineation of electoral constituencies for reasons of political advantage is termed___________

A. dissolution

B. prorogation

C. gerrymandering

D. delimitation

Detailed Solution

Gerrymandering is the process of creating political constituencies in order to favour the electoral scores of a political party.
There is an explanation video available below.

A predominant feature of the Precolonial governance system was that_________

A. the British Indirect rule system penetrated it largely

B. the governance structures were largely undefined

C. the customary laws were prevalent

D. theocratic system was widely embraced

Detailed Solution

Throughout the precolonial era in Nigeria, the native laws of the people governed them. They were largely unwritten and enforced by distinct units set in place for those purposes.
There is an explanation video available below.

In most recent times, a seemingly workable solution to the Nigerian federal question is that of_______

A. state police

B. restructuring

C. terrorism

D. revenue allocation

Detailed Solution

Although Options A, B and C are recurring options for the Nigerian federalism, the clarion call for restructuring is louder than ever before.
There is an explanation video available below.

The concept of delegated legislation is often criticised for all but one of the following reasons?

A. it may lead to abuse of the powers

B. for reasons of sheer ignorance on legislative substance and procedure

C. for reasons of expertise rule making on specific subject matters

D. it is a clear violation of the separation of powers concept

Detailed Solution

Delegated Legislation is supported largely because certain specialist idea is needed for the purpose of rule making on areas upon which the legislature may not have sufficient knowledge and skill in. Example, the INEC is empowered to make election guidelines and regulations aside the Electoral Act and in furtherance of its duties.
There is an explanation video available below.

____ is noted for having said "man by nature is a political animal"

A. Thomas Hobbes

B. Aristotle

C. Plato

D. J.J Rosseau

Detailed Solution

According to Aristotle, every human interaction intersects with political determinations and interests.
There is an explanation video available below.

The term ultra vires means_________

A. the exercise of supervisory functions by the judiciary

B. a situation where a public authority dutifully performs its functions

C. a situation where a public authority acts beyond the scope of its duties

D. the act of exercising administrative competence over a matter

Detailed Solution

A public authority is said to have ultra vires when it has acted beyond the boundaries of its duties as provided for in its enabling law or as prescribed by the Executive.
There is an explanation video available below.

Class stratification is a peculiar feature of___________

A. capitalism

B. communism

C. socialism

D. feudalism

Detailed Solution

In a capitalist system, there is a clear differentiation gap between the ruling class and the ruled or the proletarates.
There is an explanation video available below.

One of the following reasons is unlikely to necessitate the emergence of a federal system?

A. social factors

B. geographical factors

C. cultural diversity

D. political sovereignty

Detailed Solution

Other Options are necessary reasons for the adoption of a federal system except for sake of defining or strengthening the political sovereignty which invariably belongs to the citizens.
There is an explanation video available below.

Lobbying is often a strategy adopted by________

A. political parties

B. public corporations

C. public authorities

D. pressure groups

Detailed Solution

Pressure groups often adopt lobbying as a negotiation mechanism with critical governement stakeholders and or legislators so that significant policies and laws giving effect to their interests are implemented.
There is an explanation video available below.

The newspaper established by Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe to project the interest of nationalists was__________

A. West African Pilot

B. Lagos Weekly Record

C. Daily Times

D. The Comet

Detailed Solution

The West African Pilot was the newspaper of Dr Azikiwe which served as a medium for propagating nationalist ideas and solidarity movements towards self-realization.
There is an explanation video available below.

The delineation of electoral constituencies for reasons of political advantage is termed___________

A. dissolution

B. prorogation

C. gerrymandering

D. delimitation

Detailed Solution

Gerrymandering is the process of creating political constituencies in order to favour the electoral scores of a political party.
There is an explanation video available below.

A predominant feature of the Precolonial governance system was that_________

A. the British Indirect rule system penetrated it largely

B. the governance structures were largely undefined

C. the customary laws were prevalent

D. theocratic system was widely embraced

Detailed Solution

Throughout the precolonial era in Nigeria, the native laws of the people governed them. They were largely unwritten and enforced by distinct units set in place for those purposes.
There is an explanation video available below.

In most recent times, a seemingly workable solution to the Nigerian federal question is that of_______

A. state police

B. restructuring

C. terrorism

D. revenue allocation

Detailed Solution

Although Options A, B and C are recurring options for the Nigerian federalism, the clarion call for restructuring is louder than ever before.
There is an explanation video available below.

The concept of delegated legislation is often criticised for all but one of the following reasons?

A. it may lead to abuse of the powers

B. for reasons of sheer ignorance on legislative substance and procedure

C. for reasons of expertise rule making on specific subject matters

D. it is a clear violation of the separation of powers concept

Detailed Solution

Delegated Legislation is supported largely because certain specialist idea is needed for the purpose of rule making on areas upon which the legislature may not have sufficient knowledge and skill in. Example, the INEC is empowered to make election guidelines and regulations aside the Electoral Act and in furtherance of its duties.
There is an explanation video available below.

____ is noted for having said "man by nature is a political animal"

A. Thomas Hobbes

B. Aristotle

C. Plato

D. J.J Rosseau

Detailed Solution

According to Aristotle, every human interaction intersects with political determinations and interests.
There is an explanation video available below.

The term ultra vires means_________

A. the exercise of supervisory functions by the judiciary

B. a situation where a public authority dutifully performs its functions

C. a situation where a public authority acts beyond the scope of its duties

D. the act of exercising administrative competence over a matter

Detailed Solution

A public authority is said to have ultra vires when it has acted beyond the boundaries of its duties as provided for in its enabling law or as prescribed by the Executive.
There is an explanation video available below.

Class stratification is a peculiar feature of___________

A. capitalism

B. communism

C. socialism

D. feudalism

Detailed Solution

In a capitalist system, there is a clear differentiation gap between the ruling class and the ruled or the proletarates.
There is an explanation video available below.

One of the following reasons is unlikely to necessitate the emergence of a federal system?

A. social factors

B. geographical factors

C. cultural diversity

D. political sovereignty

Detailed Solution

Other Options are necessary reasons for the adoption of a federal system except for sake of defining or strengthening the political sovereignty which invariably belongs to the citizens.
There is an explanation video available below.

Lobbying is often a strategy adopted by________

A. political parties

B. public corporations

C. public authorities

D. pressure groups

Detailed Solution

Pressure groups often adopt lobbying as a negotiation mechanism with critical governement stakeholders and or legislators so that significant policies and laws giving effect to their interests are implemented.
There is an explanation video available below.