Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

41 - 48 of 48 Questions

# Question Ans

The fallacy in Lamarck's evolutionary theory was the assumption that

A. traits are acquired through disuse of body parts

B. acquried traits are heritable

C. acquired traits are seldom formed

D. traits are acquired through the use of body parts

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The bright coloured eye spots on the wings of moth are an example of

A. warning colouration

B. disruptive colouration

C. crypsis

D. mimicry

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The wings of a bat and those of a bird are examples of

A. convergent evolution

B. continuous variation

C. coevolution

D. divergent evolution

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

Which of the organisms represented are notable agricultural pests?

A. ll and IV

B. l and IV

C. ll and lll

D. l and lll

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The gas evolved in the process is

A. carbon (IV) oxide

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. carbon (II) oxide

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The experimental set-up above is used to demonstrate the process of

A. diffusion

B. photosynthesis

C. fermentation

D. plasmolysis

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An economic importance of the organism represented by IV is that

A. it transmit water borne disease to humans

B. it is destructive to farm crops

C. its faeces pollutes drinkng water

D. it helps in the control of mosquito larvae

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The adult form of iii is a vector of

A. sleeping sickness

B. river blindness

C. cholera

D. elephantiasis

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The fallacy in Lamarck's evolutionary theory was the assumption that

A. traits are acquired through disuse of body parts

B. acquried traits are heritable

C. acquired traits are seldom formed

D. traits are acquired through the use of body parts

Detailed Solution

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The bright coloured eye spots on the wings of moth are an example of

A. warning colouration

B. disruptive colouration

C. crypsis

D. mimicry

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

The wings of a bat and those of a bird are examples of

A. convergent evolution

B. continuous variation

C. coevolution

D. divergent evolution

Detailed Solution

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

Which of the organisms represented are notable agricultural pests?

A. ll and IV

B. l and IV

C. ll and lll

D. l and lll

Detailed Solution

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The gas evolved in the process is

A. carbon (IV) oxide

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. carbon (II) oxide

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The experimental set-up above is used to demonstrate the process of

A. diffusion

B. photosynthesis

C. fermentation

D. plasmolysis

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

An economic importance of the organism represented by IV is that

A. it transmit water borne disease to humans

B. it is destructive to farm crops

C. its faeces pollutes drinkng water

D. it helps in the control of mosquito larvae

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

The adult form of iii is a vector of

A. sleeping sickness

B. river blindness

C. cholera

D. elephantiasis

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.