Year : 
Title : 
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

1 - 10 of 38 Questions

# Question Ans

Which of the following is not likely to be cultivated in the north-west of the river Yate valley is

A. pineapple

B. sugar beet

C. millet

D. rubber

E. rice



Lines of longitude can best be described as

A. the angular distance of a place north or south of the Equator

B. imaginary lines on the earth's surface joining the north and south poles

C. great circles numbered from 0o to 90o

D. the distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian

E. semi-circles on the globe



The commentary of football match which started at 4p.m on Friday in Teheran (60oE) would be heard in Seoul (150oE)at

A. 10a.m on Friday

B. 5p.m on Friday

C. 10p.m on Thursday

D. 9a.m on Saturday

E. 10p.m on Friday



Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Basalts and granties contain small and large crystals respectively

B. Sedimentary rocks which are hardened by compressions are called stratified rocks

C. igneous rocks occur in layers and contain fossils

D. Rocks changed by great heat and pressure are known as metamorphic rocks

E. Calcareous rocks are formed from the remains of living organisms



Residual mountains are those caused by

A. denudation

B. residue

C. faulting

D. vulcanicity

E. folding



Rocks which do not allow water to pass through them are

A. pervious rocks

B. porous rocks

C. impermeable rocks

D. impervious rocks

E. crystalline rocks



Which of the following best explains why wind erosion is very effective in desert region?

A. there are no resistant rock surfaces

B. the only agent of erosion is wind

C. rocks are generally soft and less resistant

D. there are no large water bodies

E. rainfall is insufficient and evaporation is high



The following conditions are favourable for the formation of deltas except

A. strong current running at right angles to the river mouth

B. active vertical erosion in the upper course of the river

C. sheltered and almost tideless coast

D. absence of large lakes in the river course

E. shallow sea adjoining the delta



The direction of flow of ocean is determined mainly by the

A. location of the earth and land sea breezes

B. shape of the continents and the temperature of the continental interior

C. prevailing winds and the great depth of the ocean

D. great depth of the ocean and the amount of fresh water inflow

E. prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth



Which of the following pair is not correct in the development of land and sea breeze?

A. Rainfall with raingauge

B. Humidity with hydrometer

C. Pressure with anemometer

D. Temperature wiyh thermometer

E. Wind direction with wind vane



Which of the following is not likely to be cultivated in the north-west of the river Yate valley is

A. pineapple

B. sugar beet

C. millet

D. rubber

E. rice



Lines of longitude can best be described as

A. the angular distance of a place north or south of the Equator

B. imaginary lines on the earth's surface joining the north and south poles

C. great circles numbered from 0o to 90o

D. the distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian

E. semi-circles on the globe



The commentary of football match which started at 4p.m on Friday in Teheran (60oE) would be heard in Seoul (150oE)at

A. 10a.m on Friday

B. 5p.m on Friday

C. 10p.m on Thursday

D. 9a.m on Saturday

E. 10p.m on Friday



Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Basalts and granties contain small and large crystals respectively

B. Sedimentary rocks which are hardened by compressions are called stratified rocks

C. igneous rocks occur in layers and contain fossils

D. Rocks changed by great heat and pressure are known as metamorphic rocks

E. Calcareous rocks are formed from the remains of living organisms



Residual mountains are those caused by

A. denudation

B. residue

C. faulting

D. vulcanicity

E. folding



Rocks which do not allow water to pass through them are

A. pervious rocks

B. porous rocks

C. impermeable rocks

D. impervious rocks

E. crystalline rocks



Which of the following best explains why wind erosion is very effective in desert region?

A. there are no resistant rock surfaces

B. the only agent of erosion is wind

C. rocks are generally soft and less resistant

D. there are no large water bodies

E. rainfall is insufficient and evaporation is high



The following conditions are favourable for the formation of deltas except

A. strong current running at right angles to the river mouth

B. active vertical erosion in the upper course of the river

C. sheltered and almost tideless coast

D. absence of large lakes in the river course

E. shallow sea adjoining the delta



The direction of flow of ocean is determined mainly by the

A. location of the earth and land sea breezes

B. shape of the continents and the temperature of the continental interior

C. prevailing winds and the great depth of the ocean

D. great depth of the ocean and the amount of fresh water inflow

E. prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth



Which of the following pair is not correct in the development of land and sea breeze?

A. Rainfall with raingauge

B. Humidity with hydrometer

C. Pressure with anemometer

D. Temperature wiyh thermometer

E. Wind direction with wind vane