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Paper 1 | Objectives | 49 Questions
Year: 2002
Level: JHS
Type: Question Paper
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Paper 1 | Objectives
English Language
Mathematics (Core)
Past Questions
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The system of government in which the sole executive is NOT obliged to accept the advice of his cabinet is known as
A. cabinet
B. military
C. parliamentary
D. presidential
E. unitary,
Which is NOT a sub-field of government?
A. international relations
B. local government
C. political theory
D. population education
E. public administrations
Which system of government is the rule of law a feature?
A. autocratic
B. democratic
C. military
D. monarchical
E. totalitarian
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. This phrase is credited to
A. Dicey
B. Mostesquiey
C. Jean boding
D. John Locke
E. Lord Acton
One significant change introduced by the 1954 Lyttleton constitution was the
A. adoption of Sharia laws in Northern Nigeria
B. creation of regional governments
C. creation of a central legislative council
D. establishment of a Federal System of government
E. establishment of the House of Chiefs for both Western and Northern Regions
The traditional Fulani Political system could be described as
A. communal
B. egalitarian
C. hierarchical
D. pyramidal
Centralization of power is another form of
A. confederal government
B. federal state
C. parliamentary system
D. presidential system
E. unitary system
Local government is usually described as a grass root government because ...........
A. all the local people participate in its affair
B. it is the second-tier of government
C. it has its headquarters in the villages
D. its leaders come from the village
E. it is the closest government to the people
Which is NOT a hindrance to fundamental human rights?
A. existence of one party system
B. individual is restricted by law of libel
C. restrictions during the time of emergency
D. right to freedom of movement
E. slow dispensation of justice
Which republic is Nigeria currently operating as a democratic nation?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
E. Fifth
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