Paper 1 | Objectives | 37 Questions
Year: 2010
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
A true bearing is the angle which a line makes from the observer's position to an object with the line pointing to A. magnetic North B. magnetic Variation C. True North D. Southern Hemisphere |
C |
2. |
It is noon at Point X (longitude 00),while it is 10.00 pm at Point Y. What is the longitude of Point Y? A. 1500E B. 1400W C. 1300E D. 1200W |
A |
3. |
The part of the lithosphere which forms the ocean floor is A. sial B. sima C. nikel D. nife |
B |
4. |
The northern and southern limits of the apparent movement of the sun is marked by the A. tropic of capricon and equator B. tropics of cancer and capricon C. horse latitudes D. North pole and south pole |
B |
5. |
Which of the following lines could be described as a Great Circle? The A. tropic of cancer B. tropic of capricon C. equator D. arctic circle |
C |
6. |
Which of the following is a true characteristic of sedimentary rocks? They A. are laid down in strata B. are crystalline C. have high resisitance to erosion D. are basaltic in nature |
A |
7. |
Which of the following fold mountains is found in Africa? A. himalayas B. alps C. atlas D. rockies |
C |
8. |
Resurgent springs usually occur in A. rift valleys B. u-shaped valleys C. limestone areas D. glaciated areas |
C |
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