Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 1991
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
Which of the following structure is associated with aerobic respiration? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
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Detailed SolutionThe organelle labelled 4 is the mitochondrion which is the site of respiration. |
2. |
The structure labelled 5 is used for A. protein synthesis B. energy production C. secretion D. excretion |
C |
3. |
Angiosperms and gymnosperms belong to the plants group known as A. schizophyta B. bryophyta C. pteridophyta D. spermatophyta |
D |
4. |
Which of the following are non-green plants? A. Euglena B. Fungi C. Spirogyra D. Angiosperms |
B |
5. |
Sting cells are normally found in A. Flatworms B. Hydra C. Snails D. Paramecium |
B |
6. |
Which of the following are differentiated into true roots, stems and leaves A. Algae B. Schizophyta C. Pteridophyta D. Bryophyta |
C |
7. |
To facilitate gaseous exchange, breathing roots have A. stomata B. mitochondria C. cuticle D. lenticels |
D |
8. |
The annulus of fern sporangium helps in A. spore dispersal B. conduction of mineral salt C. trapping of light energy D. water retention |
A |
9. |
One of the features which adapts Paramecium to its environment is the possession of A. a regular shape B. two nuclei C. cilia D. a pellicle |
C |
10. |
In the earthworm, the cocoon is secreted by the A. chaeta B. prostomium C. peristomium D. citellum |
D |
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