Paper 1 | Objectives | 50 Questions
Year: 2007
Level: SHS
Type: Question Paper
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# | Question | Ans |
1. |
The organs that will be most useful to giant African rats in finding their way in underground habitats are the A. vibrissae B. nostrils C. eyes D. tails |
A |
2. |
The increasing order of the particle size in following soil type is A. clay → sand → silt →gravel B. silt → sand → clay → gravel C. clay → silt → sand → gravel D. silt → clay → sand → gravel |
C |
3. |
The causative agent of bird flu is a A. protozoan B. virus C. bacterium D. fungus |
B |
4. |
Which of the following is an example of parasitism A. fungai growing on a dead tree branch B. a squirrel living in an abondoned nest of a bird C. mistletoe growing on an orange tree D. cattle egrets taking ticks from the body of cattle |
C |
5. |
One adaptation shown by hydrophytes in freshwater habitats is the A. leaves reduced to spines B. poor development of roots and xylem tissues C. waxy cuticle on shoot surface D. well developed roots and supporting system |
B |
6. |
A crucible of 5 g m weighed 10 gm after filling with fresh soil. it is then heated in an oven at 100°c for 1 hour. After cooling in a desiccator, the weight was 8 gm. The percentage of water in the soil is A. 80% B. 60% C. 20% D. 40% |
D |
7. |
The highest level of ecological organization is the A. ecosystem B. population C. biosphere D. niche
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Detailed SolutionThe biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. The two joined words are "bio" and "sphere". It can also be termed as the zone of life on Earth, a closed system, and largely self-regulating. |
8. |
The mangrove swamp in Nigeria is restricted to the A. sahel savana B. sudan savanna C. guinea savanna D. tropical rain forest |
D |
9. |
A biotic factor which affects the distribution and abundance of organisms in a terrestrial habitat is A. temperature B. competition C. pH D. light |
B |
10. |
In which of the following Nigeria states can mountain vegetation be found? A. Taraba B. Enugu C. Bauchi D. Plateau |
A |
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