Year : 
Title : 
Mathematics (Core)
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

1 - 10 of 40 Questions

# Question Ans

Solve the following equation: \(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{5}{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\)

A. ( -1,\(\frac{5}{2}\) )

B. ( 1, - \(\frac{5}{2}\) )

C. ( \(\frac{5}{2}\), 1 )

D. (2,1)

Detailed Solution

\(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{5}{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\)
\(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
The L.C.M.: (2r - 1) (r + 2)
\(\frac{2(r + 2) - 1(2r - 1)}{(2r - 1) (r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
\(\frac{2r + 4 - 2r + 1}{ (2r - 1) (r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
cross multiply the solution
3 = (2r - 1) (r + 2) or 2r\(^2\) + 3r - 2 (when expanded)
collect like terms
2r\(^2\) + 3r - 2 - 3 = 0
2r\(^2\) + 3r - 5 = 0
Factorize to get x = 1 or - \(\frac{5}{2}\)
There is an explanation video available below.

In how many ways can 2 students be selected from a group of 5 students in a debating competition?

A. 25 ways

B. 10 ways

C. 15 ways

D. 20 ways

Detailed Solution

\(In\hspace{1mm} ^{5}C_{2}\hspace{1mm}ways\hspace{1mm}=\frac{5!}{(5-2)!2!}\\=\frac{5!}{3!2!}\\=\frac{5\times4\times3!}{3!\times2\times1}\\=10\hspace{1mm}ways\)
There is an explanation video available below.

What is the rate of change of the volume V of a hemisphere with respect to its radius r when r = 2?


B. 16π



Detailed Solution

\(V = \frac{2}{3} \pi r^{3}\)
\(\frac{\mathrm d V}{\mathrm d r} = 2\pi r^{2}\)
\(\frac{\mathrm d V}{\mathrm d r} (r = 2) = 2\pi (2)^{2}\)
= \(8\pi\)
There is an explanation video available below.

Determine the maximum value of y=3x\(^2\) + 5x - 3

A. 6

B. 0

C. 2

D. No correct option


A trapezium has two parallel sides of lengths 5cm and 9cm. If the area is 91cm\(^2\), find the distance between the parallel sides

A. 13 cm

B. 4 cm

C. 6 cm

D. 7 cm

Detailed Solution

Area of Trapezium = 1/2(sum of parallel sides) * h
91 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) (5 + 9)h
cross multiply
91 = 7h
h = \(\frac{91}{7}\)
h = 13cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the value of p if the line which passes through (-1, -p) and (-2,2) is parallel to the line 2y+8x-17=0?

A. \(\frac{-2}{7}\)

B. \(\frac{7}{6}\)

C. \(\frac{-6}{7}\)

D. 2

Detailed Solution

Line: 2y+8x-17=0
recall y = mx + c
2y = -8x + 17
y = -4x + \(\frac{17}{2}\)
Slope m\(_1\) = 4
parallel lines: m\(_1\). m\(_2\) = -4
where Slope ( -4) = \(\frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}\) at points (-1, -p) and (-2,2)
-4( \(x_2 - x_1\) ) = \(y_2 - y_1\)
-4 ( -2 - -1) = 2 - -p
p = 4 - 2 = 2

There is an explanation video available below.

The ratio of the length of two similar rectangular blocks is 2 : 3. If the volume of the larger block is 351cm\(^3\), then the volume of the other block is?

A. 234.00 cm3

B. 526.50 cm3

C. 166.00 cm3

D. 687cm3

Detailed Solution

Let x represent total vol. 2 : 3 = 2 + 3 = 5

\(\frac{3}{5}\)x = 351

x = \(\frac{351 \times 5}{3}\)

= 585

Volume of smaller block = \(\frac{2}{5}\) x 585

= 234.00cm\(^3\)
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the derivative of the function y = 2x\(^2\)(2x - 1) at the point x = -1?

A. 18

B. 16

C. -4

D. -6

Detailed Solution

y = 2x\(^2\)(2x - 1)
y = 4x\(^3\) - 2x\(^2\)
dy/dx = 12x\(^2\) - 4x
at x = -1
dy/dx = 12(-1)\(^2\) - 4(-1)
= 12 + 4
= 16
There is an explanation video available below.

Correct 241.34(3 x 10\(^{-3}\))\(^2\) to 4 significant figures

A. 0.0014

B. 0.001448

C. 0.0022

D. 0.002172

Detailed Solution

first work out the expression and then correct the answer to 4 s.f = 241.34..............(A)

(3 x 10-\(^3\))\(^2\)............(B)

= 3\(^2\)x\(^2\)

= \(\frac{1}{10^3}\) x \(\frac{1}{10^3}\)

(Note that x\(^2\) = \(\frac{1}{x^3}\))

= 24.34 x 3\(^2\) x \(\frac{1}{10^6}\)

= \(\frac{2172.06}{10^6}\)

= 0.00217206

= 0.002172(4 s.f)
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the mean deviation of 1, 2, 3 and 4

A. 1.0

B. 1.5

C. 2.0

D. 2.5

Detailed Solution

Mean deviation = Σ|x - x|
x = 2.5
= |1 - 2.5| + |2 - 2.5| + |3 - 2.5| + |4 - 2.5|
= 4/4 = 1

There is an explanation video available below.

Solve the following equation: \(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{5}{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\)

A. ( -1,\(\frac{5}{2}\) )

B. ( 1, - \(\frac{5}{2}\) )

C. ( \(\frac{5}{2}\), 1 )

D. (2,1)

Detailed Solution

\(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{5}{3}\) = \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\)
\(\frac{2}{(2r - 1)}\) - \(\frac{1}{(r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
The L.C.M.: (2r - 1) (r + 2)
\(\frac{2(r + 2) - 1(2r - 1)}{(2r - 1) (r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
\(\frac{2r + 4 - 2r + 1}{ (2r - 1) (r + 2)}\) = \(\frac{5}{3}\)
cross multiply the solution
3 = (2r - 1) (r + 2) or 2r\(^2\) + 3r - 2 (when expanded)
collect like terms
2r\(^2\) + 3r - 2 - 3 = 0
2r\(^2\) + 3r - 5 = 0
Factorize to get x = 1 or - \(\frac{5}{2}\)
There is an explanation video available below.

In how many ways can 2 students be selected from a group of 5 students in a debating competition?

A. 25 ways

B. 10 ways

C. 15 ways

D. 20 ways

Detailed Solution

\(In\hspace{1mm} ^{5}C_{2}\hspace{1mm}ways\hspace{1mm}=\frac{5!}{(5-2)!2!}\\=\frac{5!}{3!2!}\\=\frac{5\times4\times3!}{3!\times2\times1}\\=10\hspace{1mm}ways\)
There is an explanation video available below.

What is the rate of change of the volume V of a hemisphere with respect to its radius r when r = 2?


B. 16π



Detailed Solution

\(V = \frac{2}{3} \pi r^{3}\)
\(\frac{\mathrm d V}{\mathrm d r} = 2\pi r^{2}\)
\(\frac{\mathrm d V}{\mathrm d r} (r = 2) = 2\pi (2)^{2}\)
= \(8\pi\)
There is an explanation video available below.

Determine the maximum value of y=3x\(^2\) + 5x - 3

A. 6

B. 0

C. 2

D. No correct option


A trapezium has two parallel sides of lengths 5cm and 9cm. If the area is 91cm\(^2\), find the distance between the parallel sides

A. 13 cm

B. 4 cm

C. 6 cm

D. 7 cm

Detailed Solution

Area of Trapezium = 1/2(sum of parallel sides) * h
91 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) (5 + 9)h
cross multiply
91 = 7h
h = \(\frac{91}{7}\)
h = 13cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the value of p if the line which passes through (-1, -p) and (-2,2) is parallel to the line 2y+8x-17=0?

A. \(\frac{-2}{7}\)

B. \(\frac{7}{6}\)

C. \(\frac{-6}{7}\)

D. 2

Detailed Solution

Line: 2y+8x-17=0
recall y = mx + c
2y = -8x + 17
y = -4x + \(\frac{17}{2}\)
Slope m\(_1\) = 4
parallel lines: m\(_1\). m\(_2\) = -4
where Slope ( -4) = \(\frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}\) at points (-1, -p) and (-2,2)
-4( \(x_2 - x_1\) ) = \(y_2 - y_1\)
-4 ( -2 - -1) = 2 - -p
p = 4 - 2 = 2

There is an explanation video available below.

The ratio of the length of two similar rectangular blocks is 2 : 3. If the volume of the larger block is 351cm\(^3\), then the volume of the other block is?

A. 234.00 cm3

B. 526.50 cm3

C. 166.00 cm3

D. 687cm3

Detailed Solution

Let x represent total vol. 2 : 3 = 2 + 3 = 5

\(\frac{3}{5}\)x = 351

x = \(\frac{351 \times 5}{3}\)

= 585

Volume of smaller block = \(\frac{2}{5}\) x 585

= 234.00cm\(^3\)
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the derivative of the function y = 2x\(^2\)(2x - 1) at the point x = -1?

A. 18

B. 16

C. -4

D. -6

Detailed Solution

y = 2x\(^2\)(2x - 1)
y = 4x\(^3\) - 2x\(^2\)
dy/dx = 12x\(^2\) - 4x
at x = -1
dy/dx = 12(-1)\(^2\) - 4(-1)
= 12 + 4
= 16
There is an explanation video available below.

Correct 241.34(3 x 10\(^{-3}\))\(^2\) to 4 significant figures

A. 0.0014

B. 0.001448

C. 0.0022

D. 0.002172

Detailed Solution

first work out the expression and then correct the answer to 4 s.f = 241.34..............(A)

(3 x 10-\(^3\))\(^2\)............(B)

= 3\(^2\)x\(^2\)

= \(\frac{1}{10^3}\) x \(\frac{1}{10^3}\)

(Note that x\(^2\) = \(\frac{1}{x^3}\))

= 24.34 x 3\(^2\) x \(\frac{1}{10^6}\)

= \(\frac{2172.06}{10^6}\)

= 0.00217206

= 0.002172(4 s.f)
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the mean deviation of 1, 2, 3 and 4

A. 1.0

B. 1.5

C. 2.0

D. 2.5

Detailed Solution

Mean deviation = Σ|x - x|
x = 2.5
= |1 - 2.5| + |2 - 2.5| + |3 - 2.5| + |4 - 2.5|
= 4/4 = 1

There is an explanation video available below.